Public speaking
I started doing public speaking more than ten years ago, originally all my talks were all motivated by my genuine interest in technology, and of course, all of them were ad honorem.
But I was once told: "if you find a company that pays you for what you would do for free, you won't have to work anymore.
In 2014 I joined Esri, among other things, to share knowledge with developers for free (+ build a community of developers). Since then, although I have continued giving talks in my spare time, a large part of them have been paid by the company.
Meetups & small events
I am going to start with my first public talks, outside of classroom presentations, which were in small in-person meetups. Since I have been speaking in public for more than twenty years, I have tried not to include more than two or three per year:
- 2009 - Oficina de Software Libre - Taller de OpenOffice en la ETSIIT
- 2009 - Asoc. de Webmasters de Granada - Presentacion de la Asoc. de Webmasters. Curso 09/10
- 2009 - Oficina de Software Libre - Cómo ha influido el Software Libre en el desarrollo de Internet
- 2009 - Asoc. de Webmasters de Granada - Instalación de Apache+Subversion+Trac en Ubuntu
- 2009 - Asoc. de Webmasters de Granada - Introducción al desarrollo web
- 2012 - Centro de enseñanzas de la UGR - XHTMLy CSS 4a Edicion
- 2013 - OSL y AWGR - Introducción a Scrum
- 2013 - Startup Weekend Granada - Taller Lean Startup: Crear-Medir-Optimizar
- 2013 - University of Granada - La experiencia de emprender
- 2014 - GeoDevelopers - Visores Leaflet con servicios ArcGIS
- 2015 - GeoDevelopers - Trabajando con la API REST de ArcGIS
- 2015 - GeoDevelopers - Introducción a ArcGIS Online para desarrolladores
- 2015 - GDEG Madrid - Taller de Google Apps Script
- 2015 - GeoDevelopers - The state of mapping on the web: Esri, CartoDB and Mapbox
- 2015 - GeoDevelopers - Introducción al GIS para desarrolladores
- 2015 - HTML5Spain - Measuring Impact on our sites
- 2016 - GeoDevelopers - Introducción a la API JavaScript de ArcGIS
- 2016 - Node.js Madrid - Datos geolocalizados + Node.js EE
- 2017 - APIAddicts ArcGIS: Un ejemplo de Open Data API
- 2018 - MadridJS - Optimización del rendimiento en navegadores
- 2019 - GeoDevelopers - ArcGIS REST API: Getting Started
- 2019 - World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) - Location Intelligence for Street Cleaning
- 2019 - Technovation Families - Teaching AI to families
- 2020 - MadridJS Meetup - Representando y analizando geodatos like a Pro
- 2021 - GeoDevelopers - Datos abiertos: OSM, Facebook y Esri
- 2021 - GeoDevelopers - From Zero to Newbie with ArcGIS API for JS and TypeScript
- 2022 - GeoDevelopers - Redescubriendo Postman ... tras 7 años 🥰
- 2022 - GeoDevelopers - Novedades de ArcGIS para GIS developers
- 2024 - GeoDevelopers - Introducción a los mapas base y ArcGIS Basemaps Styles (v2)
- 2024 - GeoDevelopers - GeoNight - Terra Incógnita (the game)
- 2024 - MadridJS - Más allá de la API de Geolocalización en el Browser
Note: Some ratings can be found at the meetup events.
The first big conference I remember attended was the Google Developer Day in 2008 (Madrid), and then the Webmasters Congress in 2009 (Madrid). A few years later, and after starting to attend as an attendee, I began to give talks at them, and even organized some of them. As in the previous section, there have been quite a few conferences, so I will not include them all:
- 2012 - PideCurso - Nuevos Retos (UGR y EOI Sevilla)
- 2012 - NSConf- Sencha touch - Proceso básico de desarrollo
- 2013 - Google DevFest Sur - Herramientas para la optimización (video)
- 2015 - Statup Weekend Summit - Building a strong community feeling
- 2015 - VIII Congreso RITSI - APIs y SDKs para GeoDevelopers
- 2016 - The API Hour (BBVA) - Hackeando la API de ArcGIS con AngularJS
- 2016 - T3chFest - Discovering 45 Geo-APIs in 40minutes
- 2016 - Codemotion - Personalizar mapas vectoriales y consumirlos con AngularJS
- 2016 - Codemotion - ¿Dónde estoy?, comparando 10 geocodificadores
- 2017 - MEMEnginy - Las 10 claves del éxito profesional
- 2017 - Open Expo - Esri Open Vision
- 2017 - T3chFest - Soy informático, duermo 4h/5h al día, y soy súper feliz
- 2017 - Codemotion - Visualización avanzada de datos geolocalizados
- 2019 - CommitConf - Browser Rendering Optimization
- 2019 - CommitConf - Métricas para piratas, AARRR!
- 2023 - CommitConf - 🔑 🔓 OAuth, OpenID Connect and JWT para dummies
- 2023 - APIAddictDays - Retos de reinventar APIs cuando tienes cientos de miles de clientes
- 2024 - CommitConf - 🔑 🔓 DataViz: Técnicas de optimización para visualización en mapas
- 2024 - OpenSouthCode - State of Geospatial Open Source Technologies
Note: Some ratings can be found at Koliseo.
Esri conferences
All of these talks at Esri DevSummit (Palm Springs, CA), European DevSummit (Berlin, Germany), and Conferencia Esri España (Madrid, Spain) have been for work-related reasons. This list is not complete either:
- 🇪🇸 2014 Conferencia Esri España - Developers Track (multiple talks)
- 🇪🇸 2015 Conferencia Esri España - Developers Track (multiple talks)
- 🇺🇸 2015 - European DevSummit - Choosing the Best JavaScript Framework for You
- 🇺🇸 2015 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS API for JavaScript: An Introduction
- 🇪🇸 2016 DevSummit Esri España - Multiple talks
- 🇺🇸 2016 - European DevSummit - Choosing the Best JavaScript Framework for You
- 🇪🇸 2017 Conferencia Esri España - Developers Track (multiple talks)
- 🇪🇸 2017 DevSummit Esri España - Multiple talks
- 🇺🇸 2017 - European DevSummit - Choosing a JavaScript Framework for You
- 🇺🇸 2017 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Getting Started
- 🇪🇸 2017 - The Sciende Of Where en Bizkaia - Crear WebApps impresionantes con menos de 100 líneas de código
- 🇪🇸 2018 - Conferencia Esri España - Developers Track (multiple talks)
- 🇺🇸 2019 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS REST API: Getting Started
- 🇺🇸 2019 - European DevSummit - Esri Koop: Using Third Party Data Sources in ArcGIS
- 🇪🇸 2019 Conferencia Esri España - Developers Track (multiple talks)
- 🇪🇸 2020 - Conferencia Esri España - Visión Esri Respecto a Developers y Data Scientists
- 🇺🇸 2021 - DevSummit - Esri Koop: Converting Data in PostgreSQL to Feature Layers
- 🇺🇸 2021 - DevSummit - The ArcGIS GeoInformation Model
- 🇺🇸 2021 - DevSummit - Cloning Apps and Items with ArcGIS API for Python
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS Platform: An Introduction for Developers
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Using Arcade with you Apps
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - Customize Your Maps with the Vector Tile Style Editor
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - Authentication in ArcGIS: A Practical Approach
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - Working with ArcGIS REST JS
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - Strategies for Web Developers
- 🇺🇸 2022 - European DevSummit - Building Web Apps with Open Source Mapping APIs
- 🇺🇸 2023 - DevSummit - ArcGIS Platform: Location Services for Developers
- 🇺🇸 2023 - DevSummit - Spatial Analysis for Developers
- 🇪🇸 2023 - Conferencia Esri España - ArcGIS Platform locations services
- 🇺🇸 2023 - European DevSummit - Working with ArcGIS REST JS
- 🇺🇸 2023 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS Platform: Best Practices When Hosting Your Data
- 🇺🇸 2023 - European DevSummit - ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: Real-Time Data Visualization and Analytics
- 🇺🇸 2023 - European DevSummit - Building Web Apps with Open Source Mapping APIs
- 🇺🇸 2023 - European DevSummit - Strategies for Web Developers