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πŸ“ What Happened Since April 2014

Β· 2 min read
Raul Jimenez Ortega

Google Glass and Android Wear​

Although I already told you that I had acquired Google Glass and how they worked, since September I also have a G Watch with Android Wear. Additionally, I have been motivated to develop a basic geolocated alerts application that works both on the watch and on the glasses.

We Won the 1st BEEVA Hackathon​

On September 25th, I participated in a BEEVA (BBVA) Hackathon where we won first prize with the development of a geolocated promotions application prototype for smartwatches with Android Wear and ArcGIS Online.


Iniciador Madrid​

On September 26th, I attended the Global Meeting of Iniciador, an event organized by the Iniciador Foundation for organizers and former organizers to discuss various issues affecting the organization.

There, I was able to reconnect with many old friends and meet new ones, but the best part is that after that event, I decided to collaborate with Iniciador again both at the national and local levels. So, starting this month, I will be helping organize Iniciador Madrid.


Photo at the Global Meeting


On October 6th, I was on Capital Radio's Afterwork program in an interview with Enrique O’Connor, founder of Spotlinker.

Esri Spain Conference​

On October 22nd and 23rd, we held the annual Esri Spain conference, a large event where we showcased the full power of the ArcGIS platform to professionals of all kinds. Here is a video where I demonstrated a mini-application I developed for my watch with Android Wear ^_^.

You can find all the conference videos on the Esri Spain YouTube account.

Conferencia Esri Espana

During my presentation in the plenary session

University Tour​

During October, I also went on a university tour visiting Seville, CastellΓ³n, Complutense in Madrid, and Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) to explain the professional opportunities available if they specialize in application development using technologies we offer at Esri (ArcGIS).


Talk at Universitat Jaume I in CastellΓ³n

Google Developer Festival​

On Friday, October 31st, I was at the Faculty of Granada at the Google Developer Festival talking about wearable devices with Google Glass, Android Wear, and ArcGIS Online.